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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

July 4th Miniatures

For those of you that live in the United States, Happy Independence Day!  I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend celebration filled with fun, laughter, food, and of course fireworks.  I've put together a few July 4th treats for you, enjoy :)

July 4th Miniatures

Here's a little sneak peak behind the scenes.  To make the sprinkles on the ice cream sandwiches I mixed (separately) a pinch of red, white, and blue with a lot of translucent clay.  Then I baked the clay hard; once it cooled I used a sharp razor blade and chopped away at it.

To make the sprinkles stick, brush on a light layer of translucent liquid sculpey around the ice cream and then dip the sandwich in the sprinkles.  Just give it a try and don't be afraid to try other techniques :D 

July 4th Miniatures

July 4th Miniatures
Or should I say, 'Murica? 

July 4th Miniatures


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